A little round up of the latest Instagrammed bits and bobs I've been getting up to in #London
1 - Cruising down the River Thames on balmy evenings in London
2 - Strolling along the picture perfect streets of Notting Hill
3 - Cooling down in the city heat with a Snog frozen yoghurt (www.ifancyasnog.com)
4 - Spending a dreamy evening watching La Traviata at the Royal Opera House (www.roh.org.uk)
5 - Roadtripping to the coast to visit the quaint seaside town of Whitstable. Don't forget to try the oysters!
6 - Exploring the beautiful cobbled streets of Hampstead on sunny summer afternoons
7 - Pressing for champagne at Bob Bob Ricard (every table has a champagne button when you need a top up!!) (www.bobbobricard.com)
8 - Experiencing one of the most unique and delicious vegetarian dinners at The Grain Store - a must try! (www.grainstore.com)
Follow me on Instagram @Victoriametaxas
Beautiful photos dear...